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AngleLock Blog: Strength (2)

T-Slot Alternatives for Framing System Cost & Performance

There are a lot of structural framing systems out there for the small-scale builder. As long as...

Custom Aluminum Extrusion Cost: T-Slot vs. Advanced Framing Systems

In product design, think of cost as a two-part formula: Up-front price and long-term value.


Fixed- vs. Pinned-Connection Structural Metal Framing Systems

In structural systems, connections play a pivotal role in overall strength and stability. There are...

Industrial & Machine Door Design 101

Until one suddenly fails, operators often take doors for granted. 

5 Robotics Safety Rules for Industrial Enclosure Design

Enclosures: dumb, boring, and a savior for automation.

6 Machine Guarding Safety Tips for Industrial Frames & Bases

If your factory safety measures aren’t safe, how safe will the operators be? And if the crew can’t...

Maintenance Downtime Reduction for Steel & Aluminum Framing Systems

If T-slot aluminum framing is abundant in your factory, it’s a virtual must that you staff a...

6 Machine Base Frame Design Guidelines

Are machines the heart of your operation? Well-designed machine bases serve as not just their...

Picking Adjustable Angle Brackets for Structural Framing Systems

Angle brackets have many names – corner, mounting, L, cleat angle, terminal, gusset, and so on....