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AngleLock Blog: Corrosion

Metal Framing System Product Cost: Steel vs. Aluminum

In the industrial world, there’s the daily hustle, and then there’s the bigger picture of operational efficiency.

Stainless Steel Framing vs. Aluminum Systems

In just about any corner of the engineering world, the choice between aluminum vs. stainless steel boils down to durability vs. price. Simple, right? In a vacuum, those are great..

Angle Bracket Design: Load Stress in Modular Structural Framing

How do you treat your connections – as an afterthought or a feature? Angle brackets (also called braces or cleats) are common in everything from simple joining tasks to complex..

Machine Structure Design: 5 Cost Reduction Techniques

The most overlooked decision in industrial design today is how you’ll support the operation from not just from a process standpoint, but also structurally.

6 Machine Guarding Safety Tips for Industrial Frames & Bases

If your factory safety measures aren’t safe, how safe will the operators be? And if the crew can’t trust the machines they work with, how can customers trust the end product?

Maintenance Downtime Reduction for Steel & Aluminum Framing Systems

If T-slot aluminum framing is abundant in your factory, it’s a virtual must that you staff a maintenance guy to regularly check its alignment. And if you rely heavily on..

80/20 Aluminum’s Cost (Short- & Long-Term) for Structural Framing

Aluminum extrusion framing systems are a no-brainer for many industrial and commercial products and machines that need structural support. With the right materials and some clever..

Picking Adjustable Angle Brackets for Structural Framing Systems

Angle brackets have many names – corner, mounting, L, cleat angle, terminal, gusset, and so on. With some clever engineering, they can add just as many benefits to your structural..